The great Swedish adventure

As I have written about in my blog before, people come to me to learn Swedish for a number of different reasons. But it is not uncommon for my clients here in the United States to have Swedish ancestors, and a desire to explore their family history going back to the old country. Learning to speak and read Swedish can help them with their genealogy and also perhaps as preparation for a visit to the land that their great-great-grandparents left behind for a better life on the other side of the Atlantic. I always enjoy being part of the journey that some of my clients are on to find their family roots, and as it turns out there is actually a reality TV show in Sweden on this very theme! The show is called “Allt för Sverige” (literal translation: All for Sweden), and is centered around a group of Americans competing for a family reunion with their Swedish relatives.

The show is marketed as “The great Swedish adventure” in the US, and is on its 10th season. A group of competitors from across the US travels to Sweden to learn about its history and culture, as well as about their Swedish ancestors and how they came to emigrate to America. In each episode the group visits a different part of the country and experiences some unique aspect of Swedish culture. One of the participants also gets a “family day”, when they receive the genealogy research that the producers have conducted on their family. In that episode the participant visits a place where some of their ancestors lived and are told about what led to the family eventually emigrating to the US. Each episode includes a competition where the last to finish leave the show. In the final episode the winner gets a big family reunion with their Swedish relatives. 

I have watched a few episodes and loved the show. As someone who knows both cultures first hand, I find it entertaining to see how confusing some of the Swedish peculiarities can be to the US group. But it is also heartwarming just how meaningful the experience often is for the participants. Many of them feel that a part of their history that has been lost is returned to them, and talk about a void in their lives that is filled during the few weeks they spend in Sweden. It is also fascinating just how often there are close parallels between their lives and those of their Swedish extended family. It reminds me of some of the stories that I have heard from my clients in their journeys to connect with Sweden and their relatives there. 

If you are interested in applying for future seasons of the show you can keep an eye out for the next announcement on this website. Unfortunately the program is not broadcasted in the US, at least not for now, but you can find clips on YouTube by searching for “Allt for Sverige”. And if you would like to start your own Swedish Adventure you can sign up for a free lesson or consultation using the link below. I look forward to get you started today!


Swedish immigration to Chicago


Best Wishes for 2023!